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Emeritus Chairman







Board of Trustee

Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto


Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto

Sri Indrastuti Hadiputranto

Cherie Nursalim

Cherie Nursalim

Cherie Nursalim

Cherie Nursalim is Vice Chairman of GITI Group, with diversified interests in real estate development, manufacturing, retail and natural resource development. Ms. Nursalim is a Member of the International Advisory Board of Columbia University and the Asia Advisory Board of the MIT Sloan School of Management. She also sits on the boards of the Yale Center for Environmental Law Policy and the University of Indonesia Climate Change Center, as well as the China Disabled Persons Foundation Board and the United in Diversity Foundation. She is a Founding Member of the Global Philanthropic Circle under the Synergos Institute in New York. She has helped develop HIV/AIDS awareness initiatives for the GT organization, which has won awards from UNAIDS, ILO and Indonesian government. Ms. Nursalim has recently been appointed to the Executive Board of International Chamber of Commerce. She is a frequent organizer of international and education forums and has won the Baiyulan Award from the Shanghai government and was listed among the 48 Heroes of Philanthropy by Forbes. Ms. Nursalim received a BA in Engineering Science and Economics from Oxford University and an MBA from the Columbia Business School. She also attended the Harvard Kennedy School Young Global Leader program.

Mari Elka Pangestu

Mari Elka Pangestu

Mari Elka Pangestu




Rear Admiral (Ret) Rosihan Arsyad

Rear Admiral (Ret) Rosihan Arsyad

Rear Admiral (Ret) Rosihan Arsyad

Martani Huseini

Martani Huseini

Martani Huseini

Prof. Martani is an expert in administration. He is also a man entrepreneurs and consultants. Born in Kediri, on 7 March 1951, he completed his undergraduate education at FISIP UI in 1974, and managed to earn a doctorate from the University of Paris de Sorbonne in 1983.

Jatna Supriatna

Jatna Supriatna

Jatna Supriatna

After finished his Master of Science (1986) and Doctorate degree (1991) from the University of New Mexico, USA,  plus pre and postdoctoral at Columbia University in New York, he serves Senior Lecturer at  University of Indonesia. He served several assignments at the Government of Indonesia taskforces and commissions;  member of  National Research Council (Dewan Riset Nasional) from 1999-2004, member of Steering Committee on Biodiversity Action Plan at the Min. of Planning (BAPPENAS), Chairman of Biodiversity Taskforce at Min. of Research and Technology (2001-2003), member of Min of Forestry Task force to review logging concessions in Indonesia (2003-2005). In 2011, he was appointed by Indonesia President as a member of  Indonesia Academy of Science (Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia-AIPI). He was assigned by Government of Indonesia to be  a member of Indonesia government delegation to many conferences such as Convention of Biological Diversity, World Conservation Union-IUCN meeting, World Park Congress, UNFCCC  and its SUBSTTA (Bali, Cairns, Bonn, Bangkok, Nairobi) and UN Forest Forum in New York. He is recently active in climate change especially on REDD+ policy and implementation.

He had been appointed as Country Director for Conservation International for Indonesia Program since 1994, and become Executive Director then Regional Vice President for Indonesia from 2005 to 2010 carries the distinction of being the first Indonesian in the country to head up a major international organization. For more than 15 years directing Conservation International (CI) in Indonesia, he has brought CI to be one of  the most distinctive international  NGO based on scientific approched in conservation works in Indonesia.  He retired from CI and since January 2011 to date, he serves as a Directror  of Research Center for Climate Change of the University of Indonesia, co-director of the Association of Pacific Rim University (APRU based in the National University of Singapore) of CMAS (Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy) based in the University of San Diego, USA and also serves as President and CEO of United Diversity Foundation,  an Executive Education Forum of Universitas Indonesia, MIT Sloan School of Management and Sinar Harapan.

For his dedication at the environment works, he received a distinguished award from his Royal highness Prince Berhard of the Netherland in 1999 as an Officer of the most Excellence Order of  Golden Ark. In 2009, he also received the most privileges Award from President B.J. Habibie of Indonesia, or Habibie Award for outstanding achievements on research on Natural  Science. In 2010, he received Terry MacManus Award from Conservation International for his dedication for bringing more private sectors involvement in environmental awareness and action in conserving nature. In 2011, he received Achmad Bakrie Award on Science for his dedication in developing Field Biology and Conservation in Indonesia.  In an op-ed in New York Times and in the a book entitled Hot, Flat and Crowded written by Thomas L. Friedman, very famous best seller book and  Pulitzer award journalist pictured him as “The Noah of Modern History” and Conservation International mentioned him as the “Conservation Warrior”

He published 10 books mostly in the Indonesia’s environment and more than 100 articles in the international journals (Science, Nature, Conservation, many others).  Two of his books, “Biologi Konservasi” (Conservation Biology, in 2007) and “Menyelamatkan Alam Indonesia” (Saving of Indonesia’s Nature, in 2009) are among the best seller on the environment books in Indonesia. In 2010, together with Dr. Sharon Gusrky from Texas AM University authored an edited book “Indonesia Primates” published by Springer, New York. In 2014, he published a book “Tourism at the National Park”. 

Deasih Sudarman

Deasih Sudarman

Deasih Sudarman

Dea Sudarman is currently appointed as the President Director and Community Development Director of PT Bali Turtle Island Development.

She leads the concept, research and overall progress to transform the community of Bali Turtle Island into a sustainable community and creative enterprise in the heart of Bali. ‎ The most progress to date at BTID is the development of a comprehensive master plan for the village, including greening the island and farming, coral rehabilitation and various training programs for the local community including the establishment of Integrated Ecology Development Program and Waste Management System.

Her sharp yet dynamic personality, dedication and passion to her work combines with her extensive experience have brought her a long way to achieve her dreams in promoting the diversity of Indonesia to the world.

Dea has build and managed gedungDUA8, a unique museum that houses her private collections illustrating her past journeys across the Indonesian archipelago. Moreover, she has an impressive list of achievements, namely in  cultural research and development, photography and film documentaries and large scale exhibitions, such as Asmat film documentary, the concept of Alun-Alun Indonesia, Indonesia Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai and ITB-Berlin exhibition.

Board of Audit & Supervisory

Sugeng Rahardjo

Sugeng Rahardjo

Sugeng Rahardjo

Ferry Siswojo Djongianto

Ferry Siswojo Djongianto

Ferry Siswojo Djongianto

Catharina Widjaja

Catharina Widjaja

Catharina Widjaja

Executive Team